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Teaching Models

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You will need to read Week 1, Case Study: Classroom Environment before beginning this discussion.
Mrs. Ashland and her classroom at Park Lane Early Childhood Center. You will need to read Week 1, Case Study: Classroom Environment before beginning this discussion.

Think about the model of teaching that you would like to implement in your classroom. Analyze Mrs. Ashland's classroom through the lens of the model of teaching that you plan on implementing. Make sure to

include the following points in your analysis:
Your chosen model of teaching
How your chosen model of teaching aligns with Mrs. Ashland's classroom
How your chosen model of teaching and Mrs. Ashland's classroom might not align
What modifications you would need to make to Mrs. Ashland's classroom in order to ensure that your chosen model of teaching could be successfully implemented
How the textbook supports your analysis

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Developing a teaching model for a classroom.

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You will need to read Week 1, Case Study: Classroom Environment before beginning this discussion.
Mrs. Ashland and her classroom at Park Lane Early Childhood Center. You will need to read Week 1, Case Study: Classroom Environment before beginning this discussion.

Think about the model of teaching that you would like to implement in your classroom. Analyze Mrs. Ashland's classroom through the lens of the model of teaching that you plan on implementing. Make sure to i

Include the following ...

Solution provided by:
  • Associates of Arts , Lone Star Community College
  • Bachelor of Science , Sam Houston State University
  • Masters of Science, Kaplan University
  • Masters of Science , Kaplan University
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