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ESOL Issues and Strategies

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1. Identify and describe at least one type of formal assessment.

How might this type of assessment benefit an ELL?

2. Identify and describe at least one type of alternative (informal) assessment.

How might this type of assessment benefit an ELL?

3. Identify and discuss at least one attitude that might cause differences in cross-cultural communication.

4. Identify and discuss a strategy or resource used to reduce cross-cultural barriers between students, parents, and the school setting.

5. Personal contact is the most effective means of gathering information and promoting communication between home and school. Think about a time you communicated in writing or personally with an ELL's parents or guardians regarding the studentâ??s educational progress. Briefly describe the child (first name only) and the communication. Include any difficulties you may have encountered or any efforts you may have made to reflect respect of the familyâ??s cultural attitudes and behavior. What changes could have been made to improve the communication?

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ESOL Issues and Strategies are noted.

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Please identify with a number for each answer. For question # 5 just make up a scenario.

1. Identify and describe at least one type of formal assessment.

A formal assessment is one that like a summative assessment comes at the conclusion of a unit of study or grading period. Often it is used interchangeably with quarter or semester exams and is a high stakes test for some and is most often attached to a quarter , semester or final grade.

The format of the assessment may be more objective (multiple choice or closed end response) or more open-ended (paragraph or essay) but the goal is to assess how well a student has mastered a unit of content, whether it be just for a shorter unit or for a semester's length of material.

How might this type of assessment benefit an ELL?

It provides feedback for both the instructor and the ELL as to what degrees the learner has achieved the desired level of mastery or fluency in English. If the formal assessment is the form of a modified OPI the ELL knows if s/he has progressed beyond novice or intermediate levels is her/his learning.

2. Identify and describe at least one type of alternative (informal) assessment.

Alternative assessments can be any that is other than the traditional pen &paper format. It can include projects presentations, role-plays or even in the quickest form feedback to the instructor via kinesthetic hand raising and lowering activities if checking for listening comprehension. it is a low stakes, low pressure assessment mostly designed to let the teacher know quickly if the learners are "getting it." Based on this feedback the teacher knows quickly if her planning is effective or if adjustments need to be made.

How might this type of assessment ...

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