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a spending multiplier question

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Assume that government purchases decrease by $10 billion, with other factors held constant. Calculate the change in the level of real DGP demanded for each of the following values of the MPC. Then calculate the change if the government, instead of reducing its purchases, increased autonomous net taxes by $10 billion.
a. 0.9
b. 0.8
c. 0.75
d. 0.6

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Calculate the change in the level of real DGP demanded for each of the following values of the MPC. Then calculate the change if the government, instead of reducing its purchases, increased autonomous net taxes by $10 billion

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This is a spending multiplier question.
<br>the government spending multiplier = 1 / 1 - MPC
<br>a) While the MPC is 0.9, multiplier =1/(1-0.9)=10
<br>And from &#916;Y / &#916;G = multiplier
<br>We get&#916;Y=&#916;G* multiplier = 10*10 = 100 billion
<br>b. MPC = 0.8, multiplier =1/(1-0.8)=5
<br>And from ...

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