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Is the environment really threatened?

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Is the environment in trouble from human pollution, or do you believe this is "hype" from the press and scientist? Explain.

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Short review of pressing environmental issues with respect to the perception of media/political "hype" noticing specific examples with hyperlinked resources to same.

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OK...my own perspective is that it in indeed clear and evident that there are serious environmental issues of human origin. We can go back to "Love Canal" or the town of Ottowa, IL (one big Superfund site from nearly a hundred years of radium watch-dial processing.) Or other obvious bits like oil spills and wildlife

Sure, politicians may up or downplay such issues, and the media does like a good show. However, as a scientist - I look at the data, and the data points to there being serious problems.

The first and most obvious should be the relation of CO2 to global climate change [as supported by the recent Nobel Peace Prize to Prof. Albert Gore (the former politician) and the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate ...

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