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movie pleseantville: comparing the effects of color versus black-and-white used in the two films

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I'm working on a powerpoint presentation on the movie pleseantville comparing the effects of color versus black-and-white used in the two films. I'm stuck in coming up with the slide for Providing transitional changes. Can someone help me come up with information for that one...

o Contributed to the expression of each film

o Influenced the atmosphere of the films

o Affected characterization

o Provided transitional changes

o Helped mirror the director's intent

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Solution Summary

This job examiens the movie, Pleseantville, comparing the effects of color versus black-and-white used in the two films.

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Pleseantville - Transitional Changes
I'm working on a powerpoint presentation on the movie pleseantville comparing the effects of color versus black-and-white used in the two films. I'm stuck in coming up with the slide for Providing transitional changes. Can someone help me come up with information for that one...

o Contributed to the expression of each film

o Influenced the atmosphere of the films ...

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