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Printed Report & Display Output

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1. Following is a log sheet for a patient information system used by nurses at a convalescent home to record patient visitors and activities during their shifts. Design a printed report that provides a summary for the charge nurse of each shift and a report for the activities coordinator at the end of the week. Be sure to use proper conventions to indicate constant data, variable data, and so on. These reports will be used to determine staffing patterns and future activity offerings.

Date Patient Visitors Relationship Activities
02/14 Clarke 2 Mother, Father Walked about halls, attended chapel, meals in cafeteria
Coffey 6 Coworkers Played games, party in room
Martine 0 - Meals in room
Laury 4 Husband and Friends Games in sunroom, watched TV
Finney 2 Son, Daughter Conversation, meals in cafeteria
Cartwright 1 Sister Conversation, crafts room
Goldstein 2 Sister, Brother Conversation, Games out of room, whirlpool

2. Design display output for Problem 1 using form design software. Make any assumptions about system capability necessary and follow display design conventions for onscreen instructions. (Hint: You can use more than one display screen if you wish.)
a. In a paragraph, discuss why you designed each report as you did in Problems 1 and 2. What are the major differences in your approach to each one? Can the printed reports be successfully transplanted to displays without changes? Why or why not?
b. Some of the nurses are interested in a Web-based system that patients' families can access from home with a password. Design an output screen for the Web. In a paragraph, describe how your report had to be altered so that it could be viewed by one patient's family.

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