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Protocol Questions

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1. Since T-1 and T-3 connections are capable of supporting multiple digital phone lines does that mean that VOIP can support more than one phone line to a business or home?

2. What is the difficulty(s) of securing a standard telecommunications line vs. securing a VOIP connection?

3. The popularity of VOIP has been growing over the years but it took some time for it to catch on. Why do you think it took so long for it to become accepted?

4. What type of DNS record generally allows SMTP servers to be found using DNS?

5. Name three SMTP server programs and three SMTP Mail User Agents (MAUs)?

6. What layer would the NNTP protocol be on the OSI Model?

7. What protocol did NNTP replace?

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Solution Summary

Network protcols, T-1, T-3, VoIP; thie security issues; DNS, SMTP, MAU, NNTP are explained.

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1. Since T-1 and T-3 connections are capable of supporting multiple digital phone lines does that mean that VOIP can support more than one phone line to a business or home?
- VoIP can support more than one phone line to a business or home. This is not because T-1 and T-3 connections are capable of supporting multiple digital phone lines. This is because VoIP uses packet/data communications to carry voice calls. Even using data (up to 64 kbps) delivered via one port on a T-1,VoIP can provide multiple phone lines.

2. What is the difficulty(s) of securing a standard telecommunications line vs. securing a VOIP connection?
- A standard ...

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