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Stereochemistry: Structural Isomers or Dichloropentane

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Structural Isomers
Fill in the table on page 2 as described below for each structural isomer of dichloropentane.
1) Write a condensed structural formula.
2) Write the IUPAC name.
3. Give the number of chiral carbons. Go back to the structural formula and put an asterisk (*) next to each chiral carbon.
4) Construct and use a molecular model to determine the answer to the following questions.
a) Is there a plane (or center) of symmetry in any conformation of the molecule? State yes or no.
b) Is the molecule chiral or achiral?
c) Is the molecule optically active or inactive?
d) How many stereoisomers correspond to the structure?

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Solution Summary

Solution includes completed chart and drawings of each molecular structure.

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