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This post addresses LDAP and Netware Servers/file sharing.

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Since 1995, major network systems vendors have supported LDAP: the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. Microsoft, Apple, and Novell are among the vendors that have implemented the standard. Briefly discuss LDAP services as implemented by these three vendors.

The diagram below shows a LAN containing four network operating systems. The four systems use three different file systems. Label the diagram to show which systems are associated with each workstation. Briefly discuss the NetWare Server and file sharing for the three different client systems.

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Solution Summary

The solution provides a detailed discussion for the following two Data Communications questions:

Since 1995, major network systems vendors have supported LDAP: the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. Microsoft, Apple, and Novell are among the vendors that have implemented the standard. Briefly discuss LDAP services as implemented by these three vendors.

The diagram below shows a LAN containing four network operating systems. The four systems use three different file systems. Label the diagram to show which systems are associated with each workstation. Briefly discuss the NetWare Server and file sharing for the three different client systems.

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