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Technological Infrustructure of Ireland

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Technological Infrastructure of Ireland

1. Please research the technology infrastructure of the country of Ireland and answer the following questions:

2. What impact would technology have on business in the country of Ireland?

3. Is Ireland more or less advanced in technology than your domestic operations in the U.S., and how would that impact your business?

4. What legal or ethical issues might interfere with your plans to use technology in the same way you are using it in the United States?

5. Are any licenses or permits required?

6. Are there any restrictions from the government?

7. Is there any cultural sensitivity that might affect your use of technology?

8. Please cite all references used.

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Please research the technology infrastructure of the country of Ireland and answer the following questions.

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Technological infrastructure of Ireland can certainly be classified as world class. The country boasts of world class infrastructure in information technology, communications and other technologies. In developing Ireland as a significant hub for e-business, the availability of almost unlimited connectivity to the rest of the world was a key objective. The arrival in Ireland of two of the world's largest carriers, Global Crossing and 360 Networks, meets this objective. This city-to-city connectivity to all the leading industrial centers provides a universally accessible, high resilient and competitively priced service across the globe.

As well as extensive international connectivity, Ireland's national telecommunications backbone is already over 98% fiber. This backbone enjoys one of the highest rates of ATM and SDH ring transport technology deployment in Europe.

Reference: http://www.uhy.com/media/PDFs/doing_business_guides/Doing%20Business%20in%20Ireland.pdf

2. What ...

Solution provided by:
  • BCom, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi
  • MBA, Rochester Institute of Technology
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