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Distribution Strategy Development

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Develop your distribution strategy for the car. In order to develop the strategy, answer the following questions:
What will be your initial pricing strategy and what will be your ultimate pricing strategy? How will you focus it on your target market? Next, what will be your distribution strategy? How will you create a dealer network for the car? How will the dealer network enable you to effectively reach your target market?

Marketers often use sales promotion techniques like coupons and contests to build interest in a brand. Think about the last time you participated in a brand-related contest. What attracted you to the contest? Did it influence your purchase of the brand? Was it effective in changing your purchasing habits?

Marketers often use sales promotion techniques like coupons and contests to build interest in a brand. Think about the last time you participated in a brand-related contest. What attracted you to the contest? Did it influence your purchase of the brand? Was it effective in changing your purchasing habits?

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Distribution strategy development is examined.

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Develop your distribution strategy for the car. In order to develop the strategy, answer the following questions:
What will be your initial pricing strategy and what will be your ultimate pricing strategy? How will you focus it on your target market? Next, what will be your distribution strategy? How will you create a dealer network for the car? How will the dealer network enable you to effectively reach your target market?
 My initial pricing strategy will be one based on economic factors of cost. I will price the car so as to just be able to attract my target market and ensure that they feel that they are getting a vehicle of value relative to what they will pay for it.
 My ultimate pricing strategy will be one used to generate a following or brand loyalty. Given that the initial pricing ...

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