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Strategic Roadmap and Integrity of Planning Process

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What is a strategic roadmap?

b. How can a roadmap be used to ensure the integrity of the planning process?
c. How would you go about introducing a roadmap into your organization and ensuring successful collaboration of its completion?

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Strategic Roadmap

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What is a strategic roadmap"

It is A coordinated and comprehensive longitudinal strategy, with key achievements, options, and decision points identified, that provides a foundation for an organization's long-term priorities and investments.

source: http://www.marsinstitute.info/epo/docs/jan05/allen_rm_process.ppt.

A roadmap is basically a means to connect vision, values and objectives with strategic actions that are required to achieve those objectives.

source: http://www.tfi.com/pubs/w/pdf/ti_sroadmaps.pdf
b. How can a roadmap be used to ensure the integrity of the planning process?

Strategic roadmap is basically a mechanism that enables companies to visualize the organizational assets and the relationships ...

Solution provided by:
  • BComm, University of Delhi
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Management (Equivalent to MBA), All India Management Association
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