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capacity planning methods

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In your role as Manychip's production planning staff member, one of your tasks is to help the supply chain team focus on capacity planning. The company has determined they will use one or more of the following options to optimize capacity planning:

The use of dedicated and flexible facilities: Manychip has several permanent storage facilities and has used temporary storage in the past.

Flexible workforce: Manychip's workforce generally works 8-5 Monday through Friday, though some Asian locations have different days of working. Management is considering adjusting existing workforce time structures to meet planned demand.

Subcontracting: With the planned demand increasing, perhaps temporarily, subcontracting the additional resources might be an option.

Product design flexibility: Manychip is considering modifying its factory production lines to be better able to handle future demand.
Using course materials and other research:

1. Identify one or capacity planning methods that you will recommend for Manychip and explain the method and how it is used in various industries. Are there other options?
2. Identify the advantages and disadvantages of your proposal.
3. Comment on other postings by critiquing the other proposals and suggesting aspects of your classmates' plans that may have been overlooked.


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Identify one or capacity planning methods that you will recommend for Manychip and explain the method and how it is used in various industries. Are there other options?

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1. Identify one or capacity planning methods that you will recommend for Manychip and explain the method and how it is used in various industries. Are there other options?

My recommendation for Manychip will be to select the "product design flexibility" option to meet the growing demand for its various product lines in the near future effectively. The reason for this choice is that introduction of modifications in the factory product lines which are rather old and obsolete and unable to handle larger than expected volumes will not only resolve current problems, but will also be a permanent solution for the expected rise in demand in the coming years. As compared to other options such as subcontracting and flexible workforce, this solution is permanent in nature as well as more economical and efficient in the longer term.

In this era of increasing competition, stringent consumer demands, extremely high focus on quality and customer satisfaction, product design flexibility is being increadingly used by company to ...

Solution provided by:
  • BCom, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi
  • MBA, Rochester Institute of Technology
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