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AMD Inc.: Strategic Management & Business Policy

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Research the AMD Corporation (http://www.AMD.com).

1. What is the most important problem facing the AMD Corporation?

2. What recommendation(s) would you make to the AMD Corporation, and in what order of priorities?

3. How do you balance between your commitment to shareholders and your commitment to the community?

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This response addresses the queries posed in 700 Words, APA References.

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The response addresses the queries posted in 921 words with references.

//Before writing about the problem faced by AMD Inc., we have to understand the overview of the company Advanced micro Devices, Inc. We will also discuss about the product offerings of the company and the market position of the company. So, we will discuss about the company overview under the heading Introduction, for example://


AMD Inc. (Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.) is based in Sunnyvale, California and is an American multinational semiconductor company. After Intel, it is second largest and leading provider of innovative microprocessor solutions in the world market of computing, consumer electronics and communications. Microprocessors, motherboard chipsets, graphics processors and embedded processors for the servers, personal computers & workstations and processor technologies for handheld devices, game consoles and digital television are the main products of the company. It is also the third largest supplier of graphics processing units and owns 21% of Spansion (AMD: Smarter Choice, 2008).

//As per the directions, we will discuss about the most important problem faced by the AMD Corporation. It will assist us in analyzing the loopholes in the business policy and management of the company. We will also discuss about the lacking areas in making strategies for different departments of the company.//

Problem Identification

The most important problem facing by AMD Inc. is the tough competition given by its rival Intel Corp., which is the world's number supplier of ...

Solution provided by:
  • MBA (IP), International Center for Internationa Business
  • BBA, University of Rajasthan
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