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Project Proposal for a Work-Related Situation

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(1) Describe a work-related situation you feel could be improved. For example, you want to streamline the process for reimbursing employees, or you want to create a high-tech website for your small business but have no experience in programming or graphic creation.) Once you have determined your project, consider the following:

Identify the needs of the situation?

What is the project objective?

What assumptions, if any, should be made regarding the project to be undertaken?

Who are the main people or departments that need to be involved in this project?

What are the risks involved?

Why would your project be considered a project?

Prepare a short proposal (2-4 pages) for the project, as if you were a consultant bidding on the job. Be sure to incorporate what you learned in this unit's reading.

(2) Search the Library, or use your favorite search engine for the term "project management" adding other key words to this search such as "project management objectives," "project management life cycle," "project management work breakdown structure," etc. What did you find?

Locate a Website that provides suggestions for developing effective proposals. Describe and comment on the information presented on this site.

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The response addresses the queries posted in 1,200 words with references and discusses a project in the workplace involving upgrading the e-mail system, including who would be involved in this project, assumptions, risks involved, and justification.

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Upgradation of the existing E-mail system

The given proposal deals with the description of a project related to the improvement of the existing e-mail system in an organization. The executives from all the departments have reported noticeable problems related to the functioning of the existing e-mail in the organization. In fact, it has made a serious impact on the productivity as well as the profitability of the business. Basically, the e-mail system is not functioning properly and needs to be upgraded with the latest technology in a quick time.

Needs of the situation: The faults existing in the present e-mail system hold a great significance for the organization. Subsequently, the situation demands an immediate attention from the management. However, it also provides an opportunity to not only rectify the existing faults but also upgrade the e-mail system as per the modern technology.

- As the current system has been in use from a long time, it needs to be upgraded with the modern technology.
- The organization is facing significant financial troubles owing to the disruptions caused by the e-mail system.
- The present situation needs to be resolved immediately before it assumes uncontrollable proportions.
- All the existing components of the e-mail system need to be modernized as they are resulting in a loss of time and money.
- Such an exercise is essential for the organization in order to sustain its competitive position in the market and maintain its profitability.

Objective of the Project: The fundamental objective of the proposed project is to strengthen the existing e-mail system and minimize the time and work losses caused as a result of it. Subsequently, it aims to reduce the operational costs and enhance the profitability of the organization. (Agarwal & Mishra, 2007)Apart from this, the project also aims to attain other goals:

- Upgradation of the existing servers.
- Development of a consolidated e-mail software and network.
- Strengthening the e-mail network & software components.
- Framing an appropriate protocol (rules & ...

Solution provided by:
  • MBA (IP), International Center for Internationa Business
  • BBA, University of Rajasthan
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