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Create a plan to adjust the termination time of the project to accomodate the issues presented.

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During the implementation phase of a project, as a project manager you are facing many team issues (such as family issues and interpersonal conflicts) and these issues are creating risks that you did not anticipate during the design phase. Create a plan to adjust the termination time of the project to accommodate the issues presented.

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This solution provides a discussion on a plan to move a project termination time when members of the team have issues that are both personal and business related in 431 words.

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The first thing to do is add a few days for all team members to provide a schedule of their work hours with times they will not be available noted. This does not need to include excuses or where they will be, but a schedule of their on the job hours. Until you know what you have to work with, you cannot go further with a plan. This needs to be as far in advance as possible, preferably until the scheduled end of the project.

Using the schedules, draw up an overall plan of action that includes the needs of the project and the assignments based on what needs to be done by whom. ...

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