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Cost Association with Starting Company pricing Models

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In a 1 to 2 page paper and accompanying Excel Spreadsheet, address the following areas:

• Discuss and show the cost associated with starting your company and show a pricing model for your product or service.
• Include a balance sheet for three years show funding resources, and then describe how you plan to obtain the start-up finances.
• Create a break-even analysis.
• Develop a detailed Excel spreadsheet for this section and an executive summary in Word explaining the spreadsheet

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The cost association with starting company pricing models is examined.

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Dear student,

In a 1 to 2 page paper and accompanying Excel Spreadsheet, address the following areas:

? Discuss and show the cost associated with starting your company and show a pricing model for your product or service.
? Include a balance sheet for three years show funding resources, and then describe how you plan to obtain the start-up finances.
? Create a break-even analysis.
? Develop a detailed Excel spreadsheet for this section and an executive summary in Word explaining the spreadsheet

The name of the Company newly started was XYZ Company and the company is planning to manufacture product "A". The company was funded by $300000 common stock and $200000 debenture. The Company has also received a bank loan (long term) at the rate of 5% interest for $300000 and which will be repaid by the company after five years from the date of loan. The Company has installed the plant and equipment (the cost of which is $600000) which can manufacture 100000 units of Product "A" ...

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