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Celoxis: Assessment of Web Based Portfolio

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After you review the Celoxis website, write a 2- to 3-page paper, double-spaced. Start the paper with a brief overview and a description of Celoxis software, uses, advantages, and disadvantages, and your experience with the evaluation process. What are the advantages of using a tool to evaluate technology decisions?

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Solution Summary

The response provides you a structured explanation of Celoxis web based project portfolio management software . It also gives you the relevant references.

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Celoxis is a web-based enterprise software for managing projects, project portfolio, processes and resources. It has all features required to manage project portfolio that enable users to manage projects across organizations and functions. The software is available on SaaS and on-premise deployment options. Celoxis is web based project management software. It has a range of web-based project management features along with tools that help manage resources, collaboration, time, sheets, expenses, and workflow. This software is meant for project portfolio management. It has project templates, is clickable charts that can be customized. Celoxis is valuable for project portfolio because it shows cross project dependencies. These are shown in charts filters, and output. The software is fully searchable and has synchronization with Microsoft Project. It also has synchronization with Windows and Android. The software has an interactive Gantt chart that has the capacity of handling 10,000 tasks easily. The Celoxis software covers most business processes, especially those of time and expense management. Its financial management features gives many options that make it flexible for different types of projects, costs, billing, and forecasting. Celoxis enables the user to track bugs, log time, update status, attach files, communicate with team members, and project clients. ...

Solution provided by:
  • BSc , University of Calcutta
  • MBA, Eastern Institute for Integrated Learning in Management
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