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Ricketts Heating and Air

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You have been asked to give a brief lecture on "Positioning Errors to Avoid" for a local Chamber of Commerce luncheon. Provide a brief summary of your lecture. In your lecture be sure to give specific examples, other than those indicated in the textbook, of known service companies avoiding or falling prey to "positioning errors".

Ricketts Heating and Air installs natural gas-fired central heating systems with timers. In the wintertime, if the owner of a system wants to have the house cooler when no one is there, but have it heated back up before anyone arrives home, he or she can use this timing system. How could Ricketts use service to differentiate its heating systems?

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//This query requires an understanding of 'positioning of a product' in the market. You are asked to present a lecture on 'Avoiding the positioning errors'. It would be beneficial to consult some marketing books which can provide guidance about the related topic. I am providing you a sample paper to develop an understanding of positioning with some examples. See the text below: //

The word positioning means developing a specific marketing mix to influence potential customers' overall perceptions of a brand; to develop a specific image of the brand in the minds of consumers. In marketing, positioning is the technique by which marketers try to create an image or identity for a product, brand, or organization. It is the 'place' which a product occupies in a given market as ...

Solution provided by:
  • MBA (IP), International Center for Internationa Business
  • BBA, University of Rajasthan
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