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Aspects of Organizational Cultures - Target Corporation

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Please help me with the following:

Workplace observation paper
Prepare a 420 -430 word paper in which you describe the observable aspects of organizational cultures. describe the following aspects at their selected organization (Target is the organization selected)

communication practices
Mission Standards and behavior
Organizational diversity

briefly discuss the differences amount the selected organization.

we choose target"

APA format please references in APA as well

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Solution Summary

Organizational culture has been studied from a variety of perspectives ranging from disciplines such as sociology to applied disciplines such as organizational behavior, communication and management science, (Allaire and Firsirotu, 1984). Culture is a group of individuals transforming themselves

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Observable Culture
Organizational culture has been studied from a variety of perspectives ranging from disciplines such as sociology to applied disciplines such as organizational behavior, communication and management science, (Allaire and Firsirotu, 1984). Culture is a group of individuals transforming themselves into social groups and rises from social interactions either intentional or unintentional, (Wuthhnow and Witten, 1988). What this means is that culture is made up of observable forms such as language, use of symbols, ceremonies, customs, use of tools or technology and design of work settings.
Target Corporation
Target's philosophy is to expect more of everything. From their designs, choices, convenience, services, and items you will never find anywhere else, (Target, 2007). Target works with the community and creates partnerships with both the national and local communities. In addition, they work towards helping the consumer to pay less overall than their competition. Target is most recognizable by their bull's eye target, dog and their red shirts. Their use of symbols and uniforms is throughout their entire organization and is a form of observable culture.
Target's ...

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