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Organizational Behavior: Training Proposal

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The international expansion of the customer service department (CSD) is scheduled to begin in the next quarter. The senior management team has asked you to provide them with a plan for training current and future employees on cross-cultural diversity. The team would like to understand the major topics of the training and the method of delivery that you recommend. Write a training proposal that covers the following:

Major topic areas and why they are important
Identification of the methods for delivering training to current and new employees.
Estimate time required for all training. Break this down by the training-delivery mechanisms.
Reference materials that will be used

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Organizational behavior for training proposals are examined.

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Organizations' culture is an important determinant of the success or failure of the organization. Culture is defined as set of beliefs, behaviors, and mindset that determine how things have to be done. People in an organization share the same way in which people around the world works, their place in it, and what impact do their actions bring about in the organization. Though the actual role of culture may seem intangible, culture affects every day actions and on performance. Hence it is not easy to change organizational culture. If an organization wants to change the culture, it has to be done by inculcating new behaviors in the existing culture. The objective of cross-cultural diversity training is to equip employees with the skills required to work in global environment with individuals from different regions around the world. The training would help managers gain cross-cultural knowledge and make employees more culturally aware and sensitive. This facilitates building of positive work environment and improves efficiency in cross-cultural teams.
 Nationality
Nationality has symbolic value of belonging to a nation or region. The employees should feel comforted that the organization would not threaten their common identity. National and regional differences are much more in cross-cultural teams and hence these cannot be ignored.
 Religion
Religion should be incorporated in cross-cultural training because it has strong influence over cross cultural dimensions. People across different cultures practice their religion which is a strong predictor of important life domains. Religious beliefs and influences are shaped by culture.
 Work Style
Work style and approaches may also vary when there is cross-cultural mix of individuals. Some employees prefer individual contributions while others like to be directed by their manager. In such a mix of workforce individualistic team members may come across as aggressive team players while others who are not so individualistic may merge into the team and outwardly seem to contribute very little to the team process.
 Ethics
Ethical issues are very common in workplace which may be related to employee behavior, employee working conditions, customer relations, and others. Organizations have large number of employees who are involved in different areas of business. Behavior of these employees can pose ethical challenge for managers especially when these employees are ...

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