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An Organizational Behavior Moment: Friend or Associate?

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3. Is Tony savable? Do the benefits outweigh the costs of trying to save him? This is from organizational behavior course, chapter title "Stress and Well Being".

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This solution discusses if Tony is savable based on the case study. Tony has a drinking problem, is friends with his supervisor. The solution includes examples and links.

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3. Is Tony savable? Do the benefits outweigh the costs of trying to save him?

Unfortunately, it is highly unlikely that Tony is savable. Worse yet, Walt was aware of Tony's alcohol problem prior to hiring him as the chef of his restaurant. Tony was very clear that he wanted to retain his freedom at the time the partnership was established. Walt "was never sure what Tony had meant by that" (Hitt, Colella, Miller, 2010, p.271). However, it is now clear that Tony wanted to be able to continue to drink irresponsibly. Tony's drinking is getting in the way of his ...

Solution provided by:
  • BA, University of Southern California
  • MSS, United States Sports Academy
  • Ed.D, Boise State University
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