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Marketing: Maslow's theory,stages of consumer bahavior model

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Part 2

Discuss the aspects of the IMC. (The elements of the communication mix include: advertising, direct marketing, sales promotion, publicity/public relations and personal selling.) Define each and discuss the pros and cons of the individual elements.

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The response addresses the queries posted in 1218 words with references.

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The response addresses the queries posted in 1218 words with references.

/Every good efforts are derived by some or the other motivation, so is the case of an organization. In an organization, the employers motivate the employees to drive out the better result and profit in favor of the company. Maslow's need hierarchy theory supports organization as well as market activities by motivating employees at the workplace and consumers at market place.//

Part 1


The paper encloses the details of the Maslow's need hierarchy theory and its application in marketing. Along with this, document also contains the consumer behavior model, for the behavior prediction of consumers for product promotion. The second part of the document contains the IMC (Integrated Marketing Communication Program) and introduction of the tools used in the promotion campaign.


Motivation is derived from the needs of an individual. Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory is the conceptual description of the needs of an individual. It is divided into five parts in the form of a pyramid. It helps managers to provide the right financial and non financial motivation to their employees. The overall support it gives is that it helps in increasing the efficiency, profitability and productivity of the organizations (Thompson, 2002).

Maslow's theory of needs and its application to marketing

According to the Maslow's need theory, needs are divided into a hierarchy. As soon as a lower need gets fulfilled, the demand for the next need increases along with the efforts. The efforts put in are known as motivation (Thompson, 2002). According to Maslow, "Man lives by bread alone when there is no bread." By this he feels that the other need arises when some needs are fulfilled. There are other needs like security / safety, social, esteem and self actualization, which influences behavior of people or employees at work. This is the basic feature of Maslow's need hierarchy (Thompson, 2002).

While applying this theory at the work place one thing is significant, that needs special attention, not all the people are driven by the same needs, different people are ...

Solution provided by:
  • MBA (IP), International Center for Internationa Business
  • BBA, University of Rajasthan
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