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Marketing Information System

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E-commerce businesses tend to have very sophisticated Marketing Information Systems. In the online environment, it is easier to collect and track information on visitors and purchasers than with brick and mortar enterprises. Keep in mind, nowadays companies give you "membership card" or ask for a phone number to track what you buy. Also many sales people will ask you how you heard of the business. These types of techniques may give you a hint as to companies with good MKT Information Systems.

Research a traditional company that uses a good Marketing Information System to gather data. Describe how they gather information, the type of information gathered, and how that information helps the company market its products.

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Research a traditional company that uses a good Marketing Information System to gather data. Describe how they gather information, the type of information gathered, and how that information helps the company market its products.

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For the purpose of this assignment, we will choose a grocery chain or departmental store. We have often seen that grocery or large departmental stores provide us with a Membership Card, just like a Credit Card, which allows us to secure discount at the time of purchase by swiping the card at the check out counter, just like a credit card. For example, Walmart provides membership card, which is possessed by almost all the shoppers of Walmart, as it results in extra savings for the consumers.

The primary purpose of such membership cards provided by grocery stores or large departmental stores is to collect valuable information about the buying pattern or behavior of the shoppers at these stores. At the time of the registration of the card, these companies ask us to provide ...

Solution provided by:
  • BCom, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi
  • MBA, Rochester Institute of Technology
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