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New product in the Beverage Unit: what marketing activities prior to product launch?

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The beverage unit management has decided to develop a product line of flavored milks targeted toward the 'tween market (ages 9-14). They estimate it will take 12 to 18 months to repurpose manufacturing and packaging equipment. What marketing activities will take place during this time?

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The 308 word solution provides an overview of six types of marketing activity which could or should be done.

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Since marketing activities is very broad, I have covered many different topics:

How to conduct market research - what are we assessing? The taste of the milk? The price of the product? How nutritional the milk is in the eyes of the parents?

Advertising - how will you advertise the product? Web site with cool games? Samples in the grocery store? Have someone stand out on the street and hand out the milk product ...

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