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doing business in this country

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Select any country. From sources found on the internet, compile information for only three of the factors below, for a two-year period.

If you were an executive considering whether to do business in this country, what data would most catch your attention...pro or con?

-principal imports
-principal exports
-gross national product
-chief of state
-major cities and population
-principal agricultural crop

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Doing business in this country is discussed in great detail in this solution.

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The country selected in France.
Three factors considered for the last two years.
Principal imports: Machinery and equipment, vehicles, crude oil, plastics, chemicals, and aircraft.
Principal exports: Machinery, transport equipment, pharmaceuticals, iron and steel, beverages, and electronics.
The imports and exports have remained similar during the past two years
Gross national product: 2.14 trillion 2008, 1.38 trillion ...

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