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Define Marketing

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In APA format, define marketing from two different sources, and based on these definitions explain the importance of marketing in organizational success. Provide at least three examples from the business world to support your explanation. Be sure to properly cite your sources in your paper.

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This posting looks at the definition of marketing, provided by several professionals, as well as my personal definition. It then gives three examples of why marketing is critical.

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I would like to first define marketing. This is a tough one, since I am a market researcher by profession; I understand how formal and farfetched "marketing" is.

My definition of marketing is: a team of creative individuals who work to promote and advertise the product to place it firstly in the mind of consumers.
- The problem with this is that marketing in theory contains these following activities also known as the 4-Ps
- Developing the product
- Pricing the product
- Promoting the product
- Deciding what people to sell the product to

One formal definition from the American Marketing Association is:
An organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating and delivering value to customers and for managing customer ...

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