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Sales Force Skills

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1. What are the most important skills a sales force will need to have in foreign country like Germany?

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The most important skills a sales force will need to have in foreign country like Germany are examined.

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***400+ words with 4 references: I hope this helps.***

Sales are important to any organization. Without sales, whether it be for a product or service, there can be no income, which means there can be no profit, which means the company cannot survive. With sales, an organization can realize a profit, grow the business, increase employment, increase research and development, and increase the knowledge and strength of their brand. Being able to achieve sales locally or abroad use the same principles, and by extending these principles to a particular country, simply involves adjusting a few of the aspects of the sales and marketing force (GTAI, 2016).

Obviously, in order to achieve sales, there needs to be the ability to communicate. Firstly, whatever company is intending to increase sales needs to understand the language and be able to convey their company's message in German, for ...

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