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Mobile Marketing: Burberry

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*Disclaimer* This is not a request for a completed assignment. I need a little help expanding my memo with the following questions:
1. Evaluate the assumptions behind Burberry's mobile marketing campaigns, with a brief introduction of the company mobile marketing efforts.

2. Analyze the effectiveness of Burberry's mobile marketing campaigns by applying relevant branding and promotion concepts. Also specify the criteria you use to evaluate the effectiveness.

3. With the increasing popularity of mobile media and social media, what would you recommend to Burberry regarding its mobile promotion strategy? Explain why.

I need to write a short memo critically analyzing Burberry's mobile marketing strategy. Note that the company has decided to use mobile social platforms to reach its target markets.

Mobile marketing spending is increasing in recent years due to the popularity of smartphone and mobile commerce. Burberry is starting to use the mobile apps to reach the target market. Burberry is the first brand to use a 'Snapcode' on Snapchat as it looks to give visitors in its stores access to exclusive content. Read the following articles related to mobile app marketing campaign by Burberry, mobile app design, and the digital marketing trends. I have attached the resources given to me to complete this assignment.

BI Intelligence (2015). Here's where digital ad spending is going over the next five years. Retrieved from http://www.businessinsider.com/mobile-will-drive-ad-spending-across-digitial-formats-2015-7

Burberry launches on kakao (2015). Newton: Questex Media Group LLC.

Burberry launches global partnership with line. (2015, Feb 05). M2 Presswire.

DeMers, J. (2014, Aug. 15). 10 online marketing metrics you need to be measuring. Retrieved from http://www.forbes.com/sites/jaysondemers/2014/08/15/10-online-marketing-metrics-you-need-to-be-measuring/#65eec53b355f

Goodfellow, J. (2016). Burberry is printing codes on its products to encourage customers to use Snapchat in-store. Retrieved from http://www.businessinsider.com/burberry-partners-with-snapchat-discover-2016-4?nr_email_referer=1&utm_content=BISelect&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Sailthru&utm_campaign=BI%20Select%20%28Tuesday%20Thursday%29%202016-04-05&utm_term=Business%20Insider%20Select

L2 think tank: Burberry runs lunar new year WeChat campaign (2016). Chatham: Newstex.

Magrath, V., & McCormick, H. (2013). Marketing design elements of mobile fashion retail apps. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 17(1), 115-134.

O'Reilly, L. (2012, Sep 20). Burberry to put mobile first in mix. Marketing Week (Online).

Roderick, L. (2015, Sep 18). Burberry in snapchat first as it premieres new fashion collection online. Marketing Week (Online).

Roderick, L. (2016, Apr 04). Burberry uses first ever snapcode to let in-store customers unlock online snapchat content. Marketing Week (Online).

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Solution Summary

This posting gives you a step-by-step explanation of mobile marketing campaigns of Burberry. The response also contains the sources used.

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Step 1
Burberry is an English luxury fashion house with its headquarters in London. The main products are ready-to-wear outerwear, fashion accessories, fragrances, sunglasses, and cosmetics. Burberry is currently, entering into partnerships with mobile social platforms for reaching its customers. Through the mobile apps, Burberry plans to stream advertising content carry out sales promotions, and give customers access to content that sells Burberry products. Burberry also uses apps to reach out to potential customers, build its brand image, and position itself as an upscale brand.
The assumptions behind Burberry's marketing campaign are that every target customer of Burberry has a mobile and uses the app on which Burberry advertizes. The other assumptions are that even if Burberry reaches customers at any place or interrupt them it will not create a negative image of the company. It assumes that Burberry can correctly target its potential customers, the mobile phone of the target is always on and the customer is always aware of the communication, and the communication of Burberry can reach the correct geographic location. It assumes that its target ...

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