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Comparison of advertising metrics

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Pick one well-known advertising campaign from 2000 or earlier (examples: McDonald's, Nike, Coca-Cola, Super Bowl Ad).

Identify three ways this campaign might be different if it were taking place in today's marketing environment.
Identify at least three standard metrics that could be used to measure success that could be applied when the campaign ran and how it might be different today.

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An ad campaign before 2000 and today's advertising is compared in a structured manner in this response. The related references are also provided.

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One Nike advertising campaign from 2000 or before is 1999 when it had Tiger Woods juggle a golf ball during the commercial. The director of this ad was Doug Liman. The ad is considered to be the greatest golf commercial. The ad had Nike Golf written onto it followed by Tiger Woods. See https://youtu.be/DMWxe7envVI

Three ways this campaign might be different if it were taking place in today's marketing environment. First, the campaign would be on social media. Second, the campaign would require the viewers of the campaign to juggle a golf ball with a wedge and upload their videos. Third, there would be competition and the best golf ball juggling would be given an award. Several excellent videos showing Nike fans juggling the ball would also be showcased by the company as a part of the campaign.

Three standard metrics that could be used to measure success that could be applied ...

Solution provided by:
  • BSc , University of Calcutta
  • MBA, Eastern Institute for Integrated Learning in Management
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