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This addresses web apps & document production software

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Question 1.
Web apps are becoming increasingly popular. Define Web app, and give an example of a Web app program. Also, describe the difference between an ASP and a SaaS, including writing out what these acronyms stand for.

Question 2.
Word processing, desktop publishing, and web authoring software are the three most popular types of document production software. Explain how each of these is used, and identify an example of each.

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Question 1.
Web apps are becoming increasingly popular. Define Web app, and give an example of a Web app program. Also, describe the difference between an ASP and a SaaS, including writing out what these acronyms stand for.
A web application is an application where the user is required to download software every time the user runs the web application, which is oftentimes performed through the user's web browser (PCMag.2012). When the Web app is run through the browser, it typically involves a JavaScript encoded page combined with HTML. An example of a browser based web app would be Travel Log, which is a code sample that shows users how to use the services available on Amazon.com.
A client based we app would be Google calendar and other software that is downloaded directly to the user's computer. ASP is an application service provider that contracts with a company to host software. The software ...

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