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The Importance of Human Resource Information Systems

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Explain the following:

What you know about HRIS right now. Why HRIS is critical to any organization. What you learned in HRIS research, and what surprised you the most in HRIS capabilities.

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Some of the information that I know about human resource information systems, is that they are important to the function of most first class organizations, and that these systems are an integral part of the human resource management potential of our government as well. Human resource information systems are systems that are able to store a tremendous amount of information, in respect to the management of personnel and their records within an organization. In addition, human resource information systems are also utilized to transfer pertinent personnel information between the various departments within an organization due to personnel transfers, as well as due to the need for organizations to be able to update personnel information when these individuals achieve upward ...

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  • Criminal Justice, Elizabeth City State University
  • Master of Public Administration, North Carolina Central University
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