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Equivalent units

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Please, if you have done this one before, either: (a) completely re-word or (b) don't do this. Thank you!

Mary Mahr has recently been promoted to production manager, and so she has just started to receive various managerial reports. One of the reports she has received is the production cost report that you prepared. It showed that her department had 1,000 equivalent units in ending inventory. Her department has had a history of not keeping enough inventory on hand to meet demand. She has come to you, very angry, and wants to know why you credited her with only 1,000 units when she knows she had at least twice that many on hand.


Explain to her why her production cost report showed only 1,000 equvalent units in ending inventory. Write and invormal memo. Be kind and explain very clearly why she is mistaken.

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This discusses the steps to compute the Equivalent units

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Nature of production process

Process costing has got continuos production process, thus inventory is usually produced in a continuous process. Hence it likely that goods will be in various stages of production within each department at the end of each accounting period. How are the costs incurred to be allocated between work in process versus finished goods?

EQUIVALENT UNITS: To deal with ...

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