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Concept of servant leadership

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1. Analyze the concept of servant leadership.

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The concept of servant leadership, which focuses on individuals and a decentralized organizational structure, was developed by Robert Greenleaf in his 1970 essay titled 'The Servant as Leader.' This concept also emphasizes other primary values which promote innovation and the development of leaders that focus on serving all stakeholders in an organization. The following characteristics are essential to the development of a servant-leader:

- Listening: A servant leader has the ability to actively listen to subordinates and support them in decision identification. This type of leader also needs to pay attention to what employees may not be saying by relying on their instincts in order to determine what the body, mind and spirit are communicating.

- Empathy: A servant leader also has the ability to understand and empathize with others because workers are not ...

Solution provided by:
  • BA, Ashford University
  • MBA, Ashford University
  • Post-Master's Certificate, Northcentral University
  • PhD (IP), Northcentral University
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