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Most of you are probably too young to remember Lee Iacocca as CEO of Chrysler. Most people thought it was an interesting choice for Chrysler to have Eaton after Iacocca who was such the face of the automaker for a period. Go to page 233 and read case study 9-1 (attached). Answer the question: Was Robert Eaton a good coach? If something is missing, what could he have done more effectively? Use the table on page 234 to organize your thoughts in terms of teaching points from the chapter.

Aguinis, H. (2009). Performance management (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle, NJ: Prentice Hall. ISBN-13: 9780136151753

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Solution Summary

Most of you are probably too young to remember Lee Iacocca as CEO of Chrysler. Most people thought it was an interesting choice for Chrysler to have Eaton after Iacocca who was such the face of the automaker for a period. Go to page 233 and read case study 9-1 (attached). Answer the question: Was Robert Eaton a good coach? If something is missing, what could he have done more effectively? Use the table on page 234 to organize your thoughts in terms of teaching points from the chapter.

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