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Social Media and Generation Y

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1 - What advice would you give to a college senior regarding her use of social media and its relationship to the business world? Support your discussion.
2 - What sources should you use to attract Generation Y-ers (the Millennials) who born from 1980-1995? Explain.

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This article discusses tips about using social media sites, as well as some of the best methods to attract the Generation Y group.

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1 - What advice would you to a college senior regarding her use of social media and its relationship to the business world? Support your discussion.

I would advise college seniors to use good judgement before posting anything on a social media site. Social media sites are available to share events, special moments, pictures, etc with all of your friends, family and acquaintances, however you must remember that not everyone is happy to see your accomplishments. This simply means that some people may try to use the information they gather against you. With that in mind, using common sense as well as some tips such as making sure your site's privacy settings are in place, monitor your site frequently for any unusual activity or posts and limit the number of photos you place on the site will ultimately help you.

"1. Discover like-minded folks.
2. Remember your university or college has a reputation to uphold too.
3. Do a social media "audit" once in a while.
4. Keep your complaints to yourself.
5. Look toward your future.
6. Be yourself.
7. Use social media to do some good" (Shannon-Karasik, 2015).

By practicing these tips and others, ...

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