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Muslim Employee Prayer Request

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You hold the position of the human resources manager of a 2,500-employee company that produces fluorescent light fixtures in a continuous motion process.

Observe religious practices and freedom of employees under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended. Then explain how to handle a request by Muslim employees on allowing them to pray five times a day as required by their Islamic faith.

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This solution of 1,098 words discusses Muslim employee prayer request with respect to the Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. It explains the amendment and how employers and employees will act in accordance of a prayer request in a workplace. Reference used is included.

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Observe religious practices and freedom of employees under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended. Then explain how to handle a request by Muslim employees on allowing them to pray five times a day as required by their Islamic faith.
Length: 5 PGS

In reference to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of l964 ("Title VII"), employees are free to practice any religion and employers cannot discriminate because of an employee's religious persuasion unless the employer is an religious organization. Employers' cannot take into account a person's religion when hiring, firing, or make religion a term of condition for hiring a potential employee unless it is for a religious organization. The importance that Title VII has for (your) particular scenario is placated upon the requirement for employers to reasonably accommodate religious practices for employees or prospective employees, but this is only when the accommodation will not represent an undue hardship for the employer, and the employee must disclose their religious practices to the employer that they wish to be accommodated for.

The onus is on the employer to ensure that employees don't face any form of discriminatory actions because of their religious affiliation, and if the employer wishes to claim an undue hardship exemption, the employer is required to prove that accommodating the employee would represent an undue hardship, and not the employee. Whatever religion an employee wants to practice from Satanism to Wicca, the employee has the right to practice and employers are liable if they don't take steps to prevent religious harassment or either ...

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