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Interview / resume concerns and questions

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> Explain how to prepare a resume that makes a job seeker appealing to employers. How does a chronological resume differ from a skills resume? Why should a job seeker choose one type over the other?

> To write an effective resume and job application letter, what would be helpful to know about the company to which you are applying?

> What are some questions you might be asked during an interview? What is the appropriate way to respond to these questions? Have you answered these questions in past interviews? If so, what was the situation, and how did you handle it?

> What can you do to prepare for an interview? What questions might you want to ask the interviewer?

> What might a misspelled word or improper grammar on a resume communicate to a potential employer?

> After completing a written report, what can you do to ensure you have accurate and valuable information?

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An interview and resume concerns are examined.

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A resume is the prospective employer's first look at you. Writing an effective resume is paramount in landing the job that you want. There are key pieces to the resume that appeals to employers, but tend to be left out by job seekers. This can be the difference between your resume going into the garbage or the call back pile.

Do not make your resume too long. Your prospective employer is not looking for a memoir, but a highlight of your abilities he or she can scan over in less than 30 seconds. Your resume should be between one to two pages to appeal to an employer.

Go easy on the eyes by using a font that is at least 12 point and don't get fancy. Employers are not looking for pretty resumes. They want effective and to the point resumes with fonts that are readable. Make the resume look professional. This can be done with spacing and organization on the page. The ability to organize a resume on the page to make if flow will help the person reading it take in your information. It also speaks unconsciously about your skills.

Hit them with a succinct career objective at the beginning of your resume. Don't write about your dream job. Don't use unnecessary words.

Summarize your qualifications for the job in your resume. Make sure this pops out in your resume. If you are not able to convey your qualifications then an employer is not going to read your resume.

Make your resume read like a verb. A verb is about action. Show the employer through your resume what you accomplished. Using action words and goal oriented language is effective. The employer wants to know that you have the ability to achieve. Use specific examples from previous work or experience that shows your performance.

Along with the action of the resume you want outcome. Make sure to include what your work produced. The employer wants to see that you are unique, that you can achieve, and that your work for them will produce good results. The best way is to show them through prior experience. Generally speaking, you cannot say, "hire me and you'll see...." You need to show it in the resume.

Do not include every job you have had in your resume. If you are looking for a Paralegal or Legal Assistant job then your work in food service is not necessary. Only write what is pertinent to the job you are seeking. You can include knowledge, skills or abilities from past employment not directly related to the job you are seeking in your summary of qualifications as long as it is related.

Have someone proofread your resume. ...

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