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Human Resources Presentation and Audience Analysis

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The case study posted by this student was:

You have been recently promoted as junior vice president of human resources at your organization. You need to prepare your first presentation on appropriate communication to a group of 20 newly hired employees for their orientation. The profile of the group is as follows:

*15 entry-level with no corporate experience, of which 5 have no job experience whatsoever.
*5 upper-level hires, of which 3 hold higher designations than yours. Their age ranges between 17 to 55 years. Of these 20, 6 are Hispanic, 2 are Asian, 2 are African-American, and 10 are Caucasian.
*60% of the group are women.
*2 disabled employees, one of whom has a hearing disability while the other uses a wheelchair.

Perform an audience analysis while planning your presentation. Ensure that you consider issues such as arrangement of the room, content and length of the presentation, and handouts and visual aids.

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Solution Summary

This solution is over 400 words and provides for an audience analysis with a diverse group of attendees at a human resource presentation. There is a thorough analysis on the configuration of the room, delivery method of the presentation - including content and timing. The solution also addresses how to accommodate individuals with different needs.

Solution Preview

Based on the diversity of the audience in age, experience, ethnic background and even physical abilities; the presentation must be diverse as well in order to attract and retain everyone's attention. The content would be concise and stress the importance of proper spelling, grammar and formatting. This part of the presentation would be conducted via a slide show, with examples of both the good, bad and ugly in business communications. The "good ones" would be actual company communications to begin impressing upon all employees what appropriate communications look like - and to support the expectation level for all employees. The ...

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