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HR Metrics

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I need help with providing formulas for each of the four HR metrics listed.
- The percentage of employees who "look forward to coming to work" everyday
- Overall employee turnover
- The dollar impact of employee turnover in key positions
- Percentage of employees who report that they are satisfied with the learning and growth opportunities provided by the firm

I am not confident of the data that needs to be gathered to track these metrics. How will the data be analyzed?
How will the analysis results be used for improving and action planning?

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The expert examines human resources metrics formulas.

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Please refer to the attached file for the response.


The following are important information, which when objectively gathered and analysed could provide inputs in action planning:
1. The percentage of employees who "look forward to coming to work" everyday
This information may be obtained through the use of a survey questionnaire on attitude towards work. One of the items in the questionnaire may be as follows:
How often do you look forward to coming to work?
____Every other day
___Every Week

Counting the number of respondents who answered "everyday" taken as a percentage to total number of employees who were all included as respondents, one would arrive at the percentage of employees who "look forward to coming to work" everyday "

Another possible item could be:
Do you look forward to coming to work every day? ___Yes ____No
By counting the number of those who answered yes as a percentage to total respondents, the concern will also be answered.

2. Overall ...

Solution provided by:
  • Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, University of the Philippines
  • Master in Business Administration, Saint Mary's University
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Education, University of the Philippines
  • Doctor in Business Adminstration (IP), Polytechnic University of the Philippines
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