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development method for human relations

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1.) Recommend a development method for each scenario below and explain exactly why one would use/chose that particular method.

a. An employee recently promoted to the job of plant supervisor is having difficulty motivating employees to meet quality standards.
b. A sales manager annoys salespeople by dictating every detail of the work.
c. An employee has excellent leadership skills but lacks knowledge of the financial side of business.
d. An organization is planning to organize production workers into teams for the first time.

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This explanation provides you a comprehensive argument relating to development method for human relations

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1.) Recommend a development method for each scenario below and explain exactly why one would use/chose that particular method.

a. An employee recently promoted to the job of plant supervisor is having difficulty motivating employees to meet quality standards.
Consider giving him leadership training. This will empower him to inspire and enthuse workers to meet high quality standards. He will also be able to communicate the company vision of improving quality. He ...

Solution provided by:
  • BSc , University of Calcutta
  • MBA, Eastern Institute for Integrated Learning in Management
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