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The pros and cons of the political patronage system.

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The best example of the political patronage system, also known as the spoils system, is how when a President takes office, he or she appoints their cabinet members. I hope that the President has people in mind that are knowledgeable and capable, but the point being that one person chooses these positions based on the hirees political alliances. (Farlex, Inc., 2008) Political patronage means the same sort of hiring practices within any other company, but what I believe the typical problem is with this sort of hiring process is that it is viewed as a type of favoritism or prejudice. This could be a very good possibility, but as I said earlier, I would hope that anyone in charge of a business would want to hire the best possible person for the position in order to move his or her company forward in the most efficient manner. That is what I am here to talk about; the pros and cons of a human resource management system that depends on political patronage as a hiring rule.

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Pros and cons put aside, it would seem to me that the public has the most to lose. The company (government) and the appointed employees have the tools to keep themselves happy and working, it's Joe Public that has to ride out the storm on the faith that, regardless of who is in power, the people in charge will keep business going no matter how bumpy the ride gets. If not, leadership may need to worry about their positions in the company.

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The best example of the political patronage system, also known as the spoils system, is how when a President takes office, he or she appoints their cabinet members. I hope that the President has people in mind that are knowledgeable and capable, but the point being that one person chooses these positions based on the hirees political alliances. (Farlex, Inc., 2008) Political patronage means the same sort of hiring practices within any other company, but what I believe the typical problem is with this sort of hiring process is that it is viewed as a type of favoritism or prejudice. This could be a very good possibility, but as I said earlier, I would hope that anyone in charge of a business would want to hire the best possible person for the position in order to move his or her company forward in the most efficient manner. That is what I am here to talk about; the pros and cons of a human resource management system that depends on political patronage as a hiring rule.


For the individual employee, I can't see a whole lot of pros for the political patronage system. The only argument going for this particular hiring scheme would be that as long as the workers views went along with those of leadership, their job will most likely be secure. Besides that point, the cons seem to outweigh this one simple benefit. The first thing I see going against this system is the fact that when the current leadership departs the company, an individual hired under their political ...

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