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International Marketplace and Competitiveness

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Sony is a multinational corporation that sells a wide variety of goods in the international marketplace. These range from electronics to online games to music- and the Japanese MNC is even in the entertainment business (Sony Pictures Entertainment), producing offerings for both the big screen as well as for television. Visit the MNC's site at www.sony.com and/or www.sony-europe.com/, and read some of the latest developments in which the company is engaged. Pay close attention to its new offerings in the areas of electronics, television shows, movies, music, and online games. Then answer the following questions:

1. What type of cultural challenges does Sony face when it attempts to market its products worldwide? Is demand universal for all these offerings, or is there a "national responsiveness/globalization" challenge, as discussed in the chapter, that must be addressed?

2. In managing its far-flung enterprise, what are two cultural challenges that the company is likely to face and what will it need to do to respond to these?

Source: Chapter 5 Internet Exercise (International Management Hodgetts, Luthans & Doh).

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The solution discusses about goods in the international marketplace and the competitiveness of it.

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In attempting to market its products worldwide, Sony faces the first main challenge of technology. While Sony constantly comes up with the latest electronic devices, the cultures in which the products are marketed may be technologically challenged to keep up to date with the constant changes. This gives Sony the gruesome task of adding more money to its advertising campaigns in educating consumers what offerings new products have. Still an issue but which Sony has been able to take care of, has been the challenge of language as a barrier. While Sony has been able to make translations for most major world languages, its manuals still do not reach a vast majority ...

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