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Finance: Implied value of Warrant

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Neubert Enterprises recently issued $1,000 par value 15-year bonds with a 5% coupon paid annually and warrants attached. These bonds are currently trading for $1,000. Neubert also has outstanding $1,000 par value 15 -year straight debt with 7% coupon paid annually, also trading for $1,000. These bonds are currently trading for $1,000. Neubert also has outstanding $1,000 par value 15 -year straight debt with 7% coupon paid annually, also trading for $1,000. What is the implied value of the warrants attached to each bond?

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Solution Summary

The file provides step by step workings to arrive at implied value of warrant.

Solution provided by:
  • MPhil, Madurai Kamaraj University
  • MCom, Annamalai University
  • IATA, International Air Transport Association
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