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Knowledge Management

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1. What were the main forces that led to the commercialization of the Internet? Also, why is scalability important in building an eBusiness IT infrastructure?

2. Define "knowledge management". In one paragraph, describe 3 advantages that a management consulting firm could gain over its competitors by creating an internal knowledge management system.

3. How can Internet-based technologies be used to automate the supply chain? Discuss one (1) strategic opportunity for eCommerce enabled supply chains.

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1. What were the main forces that led to the commercialization of the Internet? Also, why is scalability important in building an e Business IT infrastructure?
The main forces:
1. The widespread and increasing use of e-mails as an essential business tool;
2. The importance of the large transfer of information so important for business;
3. The mushrooming of online services like banking, job seeking and applications, ticket booking and airline reservations;
4. The commerce that emerges from online buying and selling of products;
5. The increase of online communities:
Scalability is important in building e-business IT ...

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