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Internet and Saving Travel Costs

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Please discuss whether you agree or disagree with the following statement.

The internet essentially can save businesses and government money on travel cost. To expound on your initial point, many businesses have curtailed business travel due to the downturn in the economy. Video conferencing is utilized more frequently to bring down costs. Governmental officials should not have a choice regarding travel for conferences. The deficit and debt continues to grow and travel expense should not be added to tax payers. Explain.

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This solution discusses how to use the internet to save on travel costs. The solution is provided in 269 words.

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I agree with this completely but only for some cases.

For example, sometimes things can be discussed on the phone or via video conferencing with ease. Simple topics such as status updates, progress reports, and quick questions can all be solved this way. There are some fabulous tools available to minimize business travel - for example, at my husband's work they work with India. The ...

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