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Imagine the CFO of a company has asked you, the auditor

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Imagine the CFO of a company has asked you, the auditor, to review the internal controls for cash receipts and to evaluate its cash management of accounts. Prepare a one page letter to the CFO addressing the following questions:
1. Why are internal controls for cash important to the company?
2. What key internal control procedures are critical to safeguard cash and provide accurate procedures for cash receipts? Provide examples.
3. What would you recommend the CFO consider, for managing the collectability of cash for customers on credit (accounts receivable)? Describe the benefits of these recommendations.
4. Explains the meaning and importance of internal controls, and provides examples of why they are important

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Solution Summary

Imagine the CFO of a company has asked you, the auditor, to review the internal controls for cash receipts and to evaluate its cash management of accounts. Prepare a one page letter to the CFO addressing the following questions:
1. Why are internal controls for cash important to the company?
2. What key internal control procedures are critical to safeguard cash and provide accurate procedures for cash receipts? Provide examples.
3. What would you recommend the CFO consider, for managing the collectability of cash for customers on credit (accounts receivable)? Describe the benefits of these recommendations.
4. Explains the meaning and importance of internal controls, and provides examples of why they are important

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Imagine the CFO of a company has asked you, the auditor, to review the internal controls for cash receipts and to evaluate its cash management of accounts. Prepare a one page letter to the CFO addressing the following questions:
1. Why are internal controls for cash important to the company?
2. What key internal control procedures are critical to safeguard cash and provide accurate procedures for cash receipts? Provide examples.
3. What would you recommend the CFO consider, for managing the collectability of cash for customers on credit (accounts receivable)? Describe the benefits of these recommendations.
4. Explains the meaning and importance of internal controls, and provides examples of why ...

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