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Contemporary leader: biography and references

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Select a contemporary government or non-profit sector leader and develop a critical review and research-supported position in which his or her leadership behaviors are discussed and his or her contributions to society/organization are explored.

First, identify a contemporary government or non-profit sector leader and provide a one paragraph biography.

Next, identify at least 10 scholarly references to be used in a later. These scholarly references should be related to your leader or some aspect of the leadership traits/analysis/recommendations intended in future work.

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The response provides you a structured reference list of a contemporary government leader and his one paragraph biography. It also gives you the relevant references.

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The contemporary government sector leader is Barack Obama.

One paragraph biography:
Barack Obama was born on August 4 1961 in Honoludu, Hawaii, two years after the territory was admitted to the US as the 50th state. He served in the Illinois State Senate from 1997 to 2004 and the US Senate representing Illinois from 2005 to 2008. Obama was inaugurated the 44th President of the United States becoming the first African American to serve in office on January 20, 2009. During the first half of two years of his first term, he was able to work with Democratic controlled Congress to improve the economy, withdraw most troops from Iraq, and get through health care reforms. After the Republicans gained control of the House of ...

Solution provided by:
  • BSc , University of Calcutta
  • MBA, Eastern Institute for Integrated Learning in Management
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  • "I read your comments, and thank you for this feedback. Do I need to find other studies that applied this methodology Ive used? That's where I'm stuck at."
  • "Thank you kindly sir. "
  • "Excellent and well explained. --Thank you kindly. "
  • "Awesome notes. I appreciate you."
  • "I have the follow-up project and I will assign that to you very soon. "
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