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Should Widgetwise hire Jack Taylor

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Betty Smith, head of human resources for the Widgetwise Company, had to hire a national sales manager. After many interviews, Smith narrowed the field down to two candidates. Jack Taylor was clearly the top choice. He had finished first in his class, had great employment experience, and exceptional communication skills. The other candidate, Rita Manson, appeared to be capable and competent, but she lack Taylor's fine credentials, proven track record, and engaging personality.

The problem? Jack Taylor is blind. Widgetwise company had a strong policy of hiring regardless of gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, or physical ability. But Smith realized that hiring Taylor posed several problems. Widgetwise would need to become "blind-friendly" so that Taylor and his seeing-eye dog could navigate the building. The company would need to install Braille signage, purchase Braille word-processing equipment, and hire additional secretarial help as well as a driver to aid Taylor in doing his job. Some senior managers were concerned that this investment - upfront and going-would be hefty. They also worried that other employees might view the changes as favoritism.

Smith pondered additional concerns.

Please answer the following in an essay:

1. How would customers react to negotiating with a blind sales manager who could not see the charts and graphs that were normally used in meetings?

2. Would Taylor's presence require special training for the other employees?

3. What about the potential legal liability if Taylor should trip and fall at work?

4. What, if any, of the employees were allergic to-or even afraid of-dogs?

5. Nonetheless, Smith had to make a decision by the end of the day. What should that decision be and why?

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Business Ethics Hiring Choices: Should Widgetwise hire Jack Taylor who is blind?

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1. How would customers react to negotiating with a blind sales manager who could not see the charts and graphs that were normally used in meetings?

It would become difficult for customers to adapt to the needs of a blind sales manager, which might result in loss of sales for the company. Even though charts and graphs are not a must have inclusion in sales meetings and sales manager can use different kinds of strategies to convince customers, customers would still be skeptical in working with a blind sales manager.

However, given the experience of Taylor in the sales field, he is certainly capable of addressing customer's concerns.

2. Would Taylor's presence require special training for the other employees?

Yes, Taylor's presence would certainly require some form of training to other employees as they need to become blind friendly and ...

Solution provided by:
  • BComm, University of Delhi
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Management (Equivalent to MBA), All India Management Association
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