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Reverse Discrimination:New Haven Firefighters/Supreme Court

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Please read the Reverse Discrimination case in the text and complete the following:

1. Provide brief summary of the case details, including background information and identification of key stakeholders.

2. Answer the questions presented in the text for this case.
1. Do you agree with the Supreme Court's decision?
2. What do you think Justice Ginsburg meant by equal opportunity "in fact, and not simply in form"?
3. Can you think of job qualifications that might be racially biased?
4. What responsibility does a private employer have to create a racially diverse workforce?

3. Conduct some research to identify the outcome of the case and its impact- what events happened after those described in the text? What can be learned from the outcome of this case?

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Solution Summary

This solution discusses a Supreme Court case regarding New Haven firefighters and reverse discrimination. It provides a summary of the case, answers questions, and provides followup. It is a detailed answer with APA formatted references.

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Hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any questions. Good luck!

In 2009, 20 firefighters, 19 white and 1 Hispanic, won a discrimination case, after the United Sates Supreme Court ruled the "officials had violated white firefighters' civil rights when they threw out the results of promotion tests in 2003 because too few minority applicants did well" (Associated Press, 2011). A group of 118 firefighters took a test, of which "60 percent of the test was written and 40 percent was oral" to determine the best qualified candidates for promotion to lieutenant and captain. Once reviewed, it was discovered that 60 percent of whites taking the test passed, compared to only 33 percent of blanks, and 26 percent of Hispanics. After analyzing the tests, the City of New Haven invalidated the results, since it appeared to them to favor whites. The firefighters denied promotions filed a reverse discrimination suit. The court ruled, "unequal test results in itself (were) not sufficient evidence that the test were biased" and that the city "rejected the tests solely because the higher scoring candidates were white" and this single fact does not prove unfair discrimination.

The key stakeholders in this case are the firefighters involved in the case, as well as all future firefighters in the city. In addition, the City of New Haven and its citizens as well as the court system are also stakeholders. Furthermore, stakeholders ...

Solution provided by:
  • BA, University of Southern California
  • MSS, United States Sports Academy
  • Ed.D, Boise State University
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